Why hire an interior designer ?

An interior designer is an interior specialist. Whether it’s for your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, etc., the designer will help you plan the renovation of your dreams.

The first step in a renovation project

In general, the first step in a renovation project is to hire an interior architect (to use the official title for this profession in France), then tender and carry out the work.

This crucial stage is often forgotten, but it is undoubtedly the most important. The interior designer’s plans will enable you to visualise your future project using 2D plans, but also, thanks to new technology, 3D perspectives of your future room. 3D package.

The interior designer helps you plan your project

Contrary to popular belief, an interior designer doesn’t just choose the colours for your walls. Of course that’s part of his job, but his expertise goes far beyond colouring. He’s trained by the biggest companies on the market to help you make informed choices about the location of your lighting, plumbing and electrical outlets, select the right materials for your family’s use, comply with traffic regulations and much more. He’ll produce the plans you need to complete your project.

Once the project is finished, it’s a shame to have to open up the new walls, because an electrical socket is needed in a place that wasn’t thought of in advance. The plans serve as a game plan for every stage of a project. Construction, demolition, electricity, plumbing, painting, materials, made-to-measure furniture, lighting, etc.

The plans provided by the interior designer help you estimate the costs of your project according to your needs. Without plans, it’s impossible to have a REAL ESTIMATE of your project. You’ll have budget surprises, additions commonly called EXTRAS by contractors, and the whole thing will end up costing you more than you expected. With this in mind, the interior designer has quickly become an investment in your project, in addition to having a room that reflects your image and a design that will last.

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